Nutrition: Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

By: Sonia Coutinho
20 Oct 2019
Warm Water: Nectar for Your Health
As I pose with this Coffee mug I'd love to copy paste a nice Coffee Quote but I'm drinking hot water, nothing fancy. Drinking hot water can provide your body with the water it needs to replenish fluids. It's good to drink hot water as a holistic health remedy, first thing in the morning or right before bed for optimal health benefit
Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water:
1. Relieves nasal congestion.
2. Aids digestion.
3. Calms central nervous system.
4. Helps relieve constipation.
5. Keeps you hydrated.
6. Aids in weight loss & bloating.
7. Improves circulation.
8. Can decrease stress levels
Since drinking hot water helps improve central nervous system functions, you might end up feeling less anxious if you drink it.
9. Helps reduce toxins.
10. Helps relieve symptoms of Achalasia
*Achalasia is a condition during which your esophagus has trouble moving food down into your stomach. People with Achalasia (and with eosinophilic esophagitis) have trouble swallowing and also sometimes feel like foods get “stuck” (dysphagia) in their esophagus instead of moving to the stomach.
*Taking a warm bath (not exceeding the body temperature) at night, helps your circulatory organs — your arteries and veins — to expand and carry blood more effectively throughout your body and relaxes your muscles.
Your health counts...
Sonia Coutinho
#Spreading Wellness